IATF okays training and assessment for messman, cooks

To help speed up the nation’s economy recovery, the government is now trying to accelerate the deployment abroad of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) but, at the same time, ensuring that they are competent, if not proficient in their respective work.

Karlo Nograles, IATF spokesperson | Photo source: Philippine Communications Office

Realizing that OFWs both landbased and seabased workers can contribute significantly through their remittances in getting the economy back on its feet, Presidential Spokesman Harrry Roque announced that the government has allowed face-to-face training and assessments of OFWs.

Earlier, some training providers offering courses accredited by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) are urging the government to allow actual training and assessments for domestic workers, caregivers, and ships’ catering service.

This is to ensure that applicants for these jobs are qualified and possess the competence required for the work they have applied for.Secretary Roque yesterday,announced that the Inter Agency Task Force had approved the actual training and assessment for these types of OFW jobs.

“As we move towards ingat buhay para sa hanapbuhay, we likewise inform (everyone) that face-to-face trainings and assessments by Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) and TESDA Technology Institutions (TTIs) in areas for outbound overseas Filipino workers under General Community Quarantine (GCQ) or lower shall be permitted.

However, this is “subject to compliance with TESDA Guidelines and minimum public health standards,” Atty. Roque emphasized.

He added: “This forms part of our assistance to workers who already have employment opportunities” for these jobs overseas.

Those that undergo training and, subsequently, assessment would be issued Ships Catering NCI (Messman), Ships Catering NCIII (Cooks), Domestic Workers, Caregivers once they passed the assessment.

OFW landbased workers need to get the NC or National Certificate which are required by employers; manning companies and principals also require these certificates for seabased workers as proof that they are qualified and competent for their jobs onboard.

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