AMSA detains car carrier MLC 2006 breach

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) detained the Panamanian-flagged MV ‘Metis Leader’ in Melbourne on October 21 for violating the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 and Australian maritime laws.

MV Metis Leader Vehicle Carrier | Photo source:

Specifically, the violations of the Japanese-owned car import vessel were in connection with the seafarers working aboard the vessel in excess of the 11 months maximum permitted under MLC and vessels flagged to Panama, as well as the 14-month limit allowed by Australian authorities.

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) was involved in stopping MV ‘Metis Leader which had brought vehicles to Australia earlier last week, including the Great Wall, Hyundai, Kia and Subaru brands

ITF Assistant Coordinator for Australia, Matt Purcell, said the international body and its affiliates detected the car carrier as having seafarers on board beyond acceptable limits. He said that at the time of the ship’s arrest there were:

  • Five seafarers on the verge of 12 months working aboard;
  • Two seafarers aboard for 14 months;
  • Three seafarers aboard for more than 15 months, including the ship’s captain.

Following the detention of the vessel by AMSA, five crewmembers will be repatriated from Melbourne to the Philippines, including the captain and a number of engineers.

The MV Metis Leader was previously due to leave the Port of Melbourne on Wednesday, October 21, but could not since the ship is not permitted to leave the port until the company gets these tired and fatigued seafarers home and replaced by fresh crew.

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