14 Filipino seafarers in Durban, South Africa test POSITIVE with COVID-19. Chief Engineer is Dead.

All 21 Filipino crew of Eaubonne, a Marshall Island registered Bulk Carrier conducted a COVID -19 test prior their departure in Kandala, India on April 18, 2021 as one of the requirements for the next port of call in Durban, South Africa. The COVID-19 test in Kandala yield a negative result which allowed them to sail towards Durban.

South African standard precautionary measures needs to test all seafarers coming from other countries to suppress the spread of virus which prompted all the crew members to be tested upon arrival on May 2, 2021 and 14 Filipino crew yield positive for the Covid-19, according to the media statement of Transnet National Port Authority (TNPA)

Transnet also confirms that the Chief Engineer’s cause of death is heart attack and not Covid-19. The body of Chief Engineer was transported to a mortuary for postmortem.

The vessel is current under strict lockdown and port health authorities assigned a team to look after for the Filipino crew. Contact tracing for all port workers who are working to manually offload about 3,000 tonnes of rice which came in 50kg bags is currently ongoing.

Our prayers for faster healing to our fellow Marino #Labanlang!

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